My friend Matt and his wife Megan invited my wife Anna to go with them to a concert. I didn’t really think much about it because Anna really does enjoy live music and is more social than me. The concert was in the city about two hours away so the plan was to stay the night downtown after the show. Again, I didn’t really think much about it until Matt shared a couple days ahead of the concert that they had one more ticket and invited Erik to join them as well.
When he told me this, I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Erik and Anna had dated for several years throughout high school and well into our college years. Even though this was almost 30 years ago, I always suspected that they were still hot for each other. “Why did you invite Erik?” I asked. “Well buddy, it wasn’t really my idea. I made the mistake of telling Megan that you always joke around about wanting Erik to fuck Anna and she says she’s going to make it happen.” It was true that I’d joked many times about how Erik should fuck her but I was mostly joking. Looks like my big mouth was about to get slammed shut!
“What do you mean Megan is going to help make it happen?” I asked. “Dude, Megan has always called you a bullshitter and she says this is the only way to shut you up! Plus, she says it’s kind of hot.” I felt my tiny penis stir and stiffen. I’ve masturbated thinking about Erik fucking Anna for years but I didn’t imagine it would ever happen. Suddenly it was out in the open and my buddy’s wife was even going to help make it happen! My head was spinning and I was now rock hard.
“Does Erik know that Anna is going to be there?” I asked Matt. “Yes. He does. I asked him about it a few weeks ago and he joked around like he usually does. Then Megan got on the phone with him and asked him point blank, ‘Do you want to fuck Anna or not?’ Erik joked some more but then finally answered in a serious tone, ‘Of course I do.’” So it was set. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing and I was shaking with cuckold anxiety. At this point, the only person who was going to stop this was Anna. It was certainly out of my hands now!
Part of me wants it to happen. And part of me is terrified that it actually might. Oh who am I kidding, I absolutely want Erik to fuck my wife!