I ope everyone is having a wonderful day.
My wife wants me to arrange an adult web site for her.
I really have no idea where to start but this is her idea.
She wants to take suggestions from guys about what they want to see and then film it.
Tailor made porn.
Of course, she will have to fuck other men and then let anybody who wants to look watch her.
At least this way we can connect with people who share our interest - like everybody on the planet, for example.
I'll spend the money to have a site made and run.
I heard there are ways to connect with virtually every other similar site on the entire Internut.
There goes our political careers.
Fuck 'em. She wants it and it is very cool with me.
Any input (besides the obvious) would be appreciated.
Be bad and watch for thearistocroid.
http://adultfriendfinder.com/view/thearistocroid?pid=p65985. subCVC
The prople on this site have generously provided a link to her on the adult friend finder site. I guess it is cool. If not, we don't want to play.
Soooo... if any camera ready studs want to make a few clips or film them or whatever people do in these situations, I have a sizzeling hot wife who is ready to get busy.
Be bad.