Very interesting, the letter from 'Wife', called 'Caught a stranger jerking his huge cock'. What u should do is check out the visitors' book in Reception, & get the address of this guy with the huge cock. You know the room number & the date of his stay. Then contact him, identifying yourself, then confessing to him that though you were shocked to watch him masturbating, in hindsight, the sight of his HUGE erection has had a lasting impression on you, & that, if poss, you'd like to watch him doing it AGAIN, this time with you in the same room, watching & 'enjoying' the sight!
Your name 'wife' suggests you are married. Why not tell your husband about it, mentioning that that man's cock was immense, MUCH MUCH bigger than his (ie your husband's!). It's poss that hubby may ALSO want to watch this guy having a masturbate---or better still, maybe watch if your sweet mouth is large enough to take that cock orally. Try mouthing it first before taking it between your legs---but the important thing is that you MUST tell your husband!
Pse tell us what happens. Your letter was sure interesting! Obviously, admit it---you found that cock very attractive, did you not?