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New Holiday
I would like to propose that we make a new WORLDWIDE Holiday, call it "Cuckold's Day!" After all, we have a Mother's Day, Father's Day, Grandparents' Day, even a "Secretary's Day," why NOT a day set aside for joyful cuckolds like me to celebrate? The day I suggest is November 5th, because that is the day my wife FINALLY cuckolded me and I have been so happy ever since I can hardly contain myself!

The Boring Part of Our Story:

A little background. About five years ago, my sex drive fizzled to nothing. Ever since I was 30 it was minimal, and by the time I was 40 it was almost nothing. Though my wife would never admit it, she was very sexually frustrated and it showed. Truly, she has a tremendous sex drive, and it is wrong for a beautiful woman like her to not have sexual satisfaction. My lack of sex drive really bothered her, and though she tried to be a good wife, she was VERY angry and frustrated, for the last five years my life had been a living hell.

At the very first signs of losing my sex drive when I was 30, I told my wife that I totally understood that she may have need to be with other men. But she did NOT take this invitation in the spirit that I had offered it, she bawled and cried for days, saying that I just did not love her anymore, blah, blah, blah.

AGAIN, two years after my first invitation to her to start dating other men, I offered and encouraged her. Again, she got very angry, accused me of having an affair, called me a few names and just made my life hell for the next few days.

I guess I am either masochistic or very persistent, but I tried again this year just before Halloween. This time, I was a little bit drunk at the time, I very rarely drink. But the drunkenness must have been a charm for me because on the third time, my wife actually listened to me, and said "maybe." Well it did not take long for that "maybe" become a resounding "YES!" this November 5th.

My wife Charlene is an Asian woman, who looks MUCH younger than she is (35), she did at one time have a bit of a weight problem after she had our son Josh, but she is now very pretty, slim and sexy. She looks a lot like the animated character "Mulan." Super kissable Asian lips, a beautiful face, long jet black silky hair, and a body to die for, she is truly a beautiful and very sexual woman. But her beauty and sexual needs only made me feel all the more ashamed for not being able to make love to her like she really deserved (and NEEDED). We are both very committed to our marriage, she and I really do mean to stay together for our whole lives. But overcoming the MYTH of "happy monogamy" was not easy for her, thank God she HAS overcome that myth, now that she is getting her sexual needs taken care of she is a much better wife.

The not so boring part of our story:

This Halloween, we went to a party at a friend's house, there was all the usual meeting and greeting, jokes and small talk. But I noticed soon after we arrived that there was a clear chemistry going on between my lovely wife and the fellow I will call "Dave." Dave is a great guy, 33 years old and a super hard working man, athletic build, dark almost black hair with a "Clark Gable" mustache and charm to match. He had the misfortune to be married to a cold hearted bitch who spent most of her time "going home to mother..." On more than one occasion Dave has told me he wished he had married someone more like Charlene. At the party, Charlene and Dave were always off together chatting with each other, as inconspicuously as possible I would occasionally look and see my wife's face, I could definitely tell, she was turned on to Dave.

As we were driving home from that Halloween party, Charlene told me that she felt so sorry for Dave, his wife had at the last moment before the party decided that she wanted to go to her cousin's house, and Dave had been there "stag." Now I tell you honestly, Dave's wife actually DID go to her cousin's house, she is actually in love with Dave in an odd way, she LOVES her hate for him and is dedicated to making Dave's life miserable. She seems to think of her marriage the same way prison wardens think of the prisons they run. Seriously, I hope Dave divorces that bitch soon, he knows he is more than welcome and appreciated in our home (unlike his current situation). But I am getting ahead of myself in the story.

When Charlene told me that Dave's wife was acting like such a bitch... I could tell that there was more to my wife's concern than simple pity, but I just played the part of the unwitting cuckold, and acted like I also felt that poor old Dave needed some cheering up. So I suggested that she should make some of her special Asian cooking and we would invite Dave over to dinner sometime, or maybe she could take him something for his lunch sometime. He had been over to our house a few times for some parties and I remembered how he just loved her cooking, especially the "pan-cit" (chicken, vegetables and noodles)and the "sinigang" (savory stew) that Charlene knows how to cook so well. She jumped on that idea, before I could even finish my suggestion she said "Tomorrow I will go to the Asian food store to buy the bokchoi and stuff to make pan-cit and sinigang!" She was more than enthusiastic, I could tell she really was eager to meet Dave again.

Five days later she arranged to meet with Dave at his current job site to take him lunch...

At about 2:00, she phoned me at home (I do most of my work at my home office), to ask if I was doing anything that evening. I KNEW something had to be afoot because my wife NEVER before asked me if I had any plans for the evening, she knew I never did, but I saw this "question" more for what it really was, a very strong "request" for our son and I to spend the afternoon and evening somewhere other than our home. I said, "No, not any concrete plans yet, but I would love to go see that movie..." Of course she said that would be a very good idea, and then... she actually said... "Please, you and Josh just spend the evening out..." Then I could tell she felt a little uncomfortable finishing the sentence so I did it for her: "It's perfectly fine, don't worry, and be sure to tell Dave I am perfectly fine with it. I'll leave the house in about an hour, I will pick up Josh at school and he and I will do some father-son time and watch a movie. Will that work for you?" There was a short pause and then she just said, "Thank you, thank you, you are such a good husband."

Well I was the one who was feeling thankful. I was overwhelmed with a very real feeling of gratitude towards Dave and Charlene both. Before I left the house, there were a few things I wanted to do, I remember I really rushed around, putting my papers and files away, tidying up the house a bit, setting out the "votive" scented candles. Good thing I hurried, just as I was driving out of our cul-de-sac I saw my wife's car turning to the crossing street, she did not see me, and in my rear view mirror I saw a Dave's truck turning down our cul-de-sac after my wife's car.

I picked up Josh at his school and told him we were going to do a "guys night out" with a movie and dinner out. We had a fine time, watched TWO movies and had dinner.

Around 8:30, while Josh was in the arcade at the mall, I phoned home to ask if it was OK for us to come home yet. Charlene answered on the sixth ring, I could tell I had interrupted something, something special for her, and I instantly felt sorry for having to phone her, but Josh needed to go to school tomorrow and he had to sleep sometime. She said that she would be ready for us to get there by 9:30, but I could hear in the tone of her voice that she really did not want us there at all that night. So I just decided that I would not mess up her romantic time like that, instead I said, "Hey, it is really NO problem for me to get a motel room, we can be out until Josh has to get ready for school... or better yet, just let me get some clothes and stuff so he can get ready for school at the motel and I can stay out till ten or so tomorrow morning."

She was suddenly sooooooo excited "REALLY?! You don't mind?!"

"Of course I don't mind! I am happy as you are about it! All I need to do is pick up some clothes and stuff for Josh and me." She was worried about what Josh would think, I said "Don't worry, I will tell him that while we were at the movies you came home and found a gas leak and that the gas company says it is not safe for anyone to go in the house for the next few hours so we need to spend the night out. I will be by, I will quietly let myself in and pick up some fresh clothes for Josh, you don't even need to get up."

Charlene clearly wanted to get back to what ever it was I had interrupted, she quickly said "Thank you! I need to go now!"

I gave Josh $5 worth of quarters and told him about the "gas leak" and that I would be back in half an hour, to just wait at the arcade.

When I went in the front door, I was as quiet as I could be. I could see the votive candle burning on the coffee table. On the kitchen counter was my wife's blouse and on the floor her pants, and the first thing I thought, was that "Dave must have gotten her really horny for her to leave her pants on the floor like that." I very quietly hung her blouse over the chair and folded her pants and put them over a chair, and then found her panties, bra and the rest of her and Dave's clothes in the dimly lit kitchen, I picked them up and set them over another chair.

Then I tip toed to Josh's room and got a fresh change of clothes for him, thinking that I would just have to wait til morning for my fresh clothes since I did not dare disturb them in the bedroom. But I was wrong, they were not in the bedroom. As I started to make my way out, I saw them through the sliding glass door on the back porch/sundeck, both nude. It was a scene of indescribable beauty, two beautiful young lovers in the moonlight. My beautiful wife was sitting on the railing of the sundeck, Dave embracing her. Seeing him nude, I saw that Dave REALLY was a muscular man, and I could just make out the slow pumping of his hips, him thrusting in to her, her lovely face nestled into his chest, her legs hooked around him, his hands on her buttocks firmly pulling her closer to him. I was flooded with such a happy feeling, I almost cheered for them but I kept quiet, I felt bad enough for having interrupted with the phone call earlier in the evening. Then I realized that I would be able to get my own clothes without bothering them since they were not in the bedroom, I quickly as I could got some fresh clothes and my shaving kit, and as I passed through our bedroom I saw that the bed had really been giving a workout, blankets kicked off, pillows on the floor.... "Oh my he must be great for her!" I thought to myself.

As I made my second quiet tip toe walk out through the house I heard the unmistakable sounds of my wife coming to sexual climax, like I have never heard her before, and I could not resist a second look out the back door at them. Oh I honestly believe it was the most beautiful thing, the two of them, him pumping faster, his sweat covered body pumping into her, her clinging so tightly to his muscular body as he bucked ever harder into her.. Then both of them breathing deeply and his back arching, head coming back as he was making his final deepest thrusts. She buried her face into his chest, and he snuggled his face to hers. I guess I was just hypnotized looking at this beauty, I just watched, silently. They clung to each other for some time after their climax, and they were still, like a pair of statues almost.

Suddenly, Dave, still holding my wife to his chest, him still inside her, he lifted her up off the railing and turned to face me. I was inside, the living room was dark, but I knew he saw me.

What should a cuckold do at a time like this? I was not sure, but I did not want to spoil things for them any more than I had to. I nervously smiled, as my wife was still unaware of me, she slowly slid her legs down, slowly letting her feet down to the deck, I could see that she was carefully let herself off of Dave's cock. He whispered something in her ear and she turned quickly to look at me. All three of us staring at each other, then Charlene said "It's alright, I told you he is alright with this Dave." Even though she was right, I was totally "alright with this," I could tell that she was nervous and a bit embarrassed at being naked there.

So I tried to ease the tension, I spoke quietly "That's right Dave, I really am OK with you here, please don't worry. I am sorry for intruding on you but I needed to get some clothes and stuff." They both stepped in and slid the door shut and Charlene pulled the drapes, I continued talking for a second "I will be staying out for the night so just stay and keep..."

Then I suddenly stopped talking. Charlene had turned on the kitchen light, and the light was enough for me to see IT, for the first time I saw Dave's MASSIVE cock. Oh MY GOD! He must have been eight inches at least. His cock was still semi-erect and sort of bobbing up and down with his pulse. For a second the thought came to me that I could easily read his heartbeat from watching the tip of his cock. Charlene noticed that I was dumbstruck and she giggled a bit and said "I know! He is BIG huh?" Hearing her voice then, how much happier she sounded, I suddenly knew how frustrated she must have been all these years with my own little five inch cock. I am not gay, but looking at Dave just then, I definitley understood why Charlene had been so attracted to him, and I wished I could have just looked at his perfect naked body for longer, but I did not want to be rude.

I could see that Dave was now embarrassed, he put his hands over his cock. "Please!" I said, "Don't be embarrassed and don't mind me, I am so sorry I interrupted, just go on and enjoy it you two! I am leaving now, please, don't let me interfere."

As I walked back to my car, there was no denying that for the first time in a LONG time, I had an erection! I just felt so happy, and honestly soooooo horny at the thought of Dave pumping that huge cock of his into Charlene. Really, I did not want to leave them, I wanted to stay and watch him fuck her all night, but I knew that could not happen just yet. Dave was still uncomfortable with me being there. Besides, I needed to get back to Josh.

That night at the motel, Josh seemed pretty inquisitive about the "gas leak." But he went to sleep easily enough, and I got him to school on time the next day with no troubles. I was not sure just when I should go back home. I went shopping a bit, just looking around. Eventually I had to be back at my office though, so around ten o'clock I went home.

As I entered the living room Charlene walked out from the kitchen, and looked at me nervously for a second. I smiled at her, as I smiled I saw that she began to relax and smiled back at me, she walked up and hugged me, really hugged me like she had not done in a long time, and whispered in my ear "Thank you husband." I felt a wave of love sweep over me. We hugged and kissed, and then talked. I could FEEL a real difference in Charlene, her body, her skin, seemed softer and warmer, oh GOD I was so so so thankful for Dave. Again, it had been a long time, too long, since Charlene and I had just talked. I felt like she was a completely new woman, or maybe it is more accurate to say that she was like her good old self.

At first, she did not seem to want to talk about the details of how Dave made love to her, but I encouraged her and she eventually told me everything. About how he ravaged her in the kitchen, ripping off their clothes before they had even eaten dinner he had fucked her on the kitchen table. She told me that she had gotten so wet just from him being there with her. They had not even bothered to get dressed while they ate, and then he had carried her to the bedroom. She said that she had felt so very aroused by then, because she was in our bed with another man. She admitted that she also was very turned on by that, her in our bed, but with another man.

I found out that when I first saw them making love on the backyard deck that it was actually the third time they had made love that evening, and that Dave took her to the bedroom again and fucked her two more times... A total of FIVE times that night before he fell asleep.

As she told me more and more I got progressively more turned on by it and I told Charlene that I wanted her to make this a regular thing, either with Dave or someone else. She seemed to have a bit doubt that this was what I really wanted, but she finally, after all these years, was coming to understand my cuckold psychology: that I WANTED her to have a good sex life with OTHER MEN.

I also told her that motel rooms were too expensive for me every time she was going to be with Dave, in the future we were going to have to have Josh sleep over at a friend's house on nights that she would be dating and entertaining her man at our home. Besides, after hearing her recount her escapades with Dave, I wanted to be there to at least see some of the fun myself.

So now I am a cuckold, a HAPPY cuckold, truly happy for the first time in five years and so is Charlene. Damn I wish she had understood me the FIRST time I told her it was OK for her to date other men. I really wish I could tell that to ALL wives, that if you husband ever tells you that he does not mind or maybe even wants you to be with other men, he is NOT lying, he still loves you, and probably loves you very much since he wants you to be sexually satisfied. My wife had acted like she was so sure that I did not love her any more when I told her that first and even the second time. Good God, how much of our lives were WASTED for those years that we were so unhappy? Why couldn't she at least try to understand me the FIRST time I told her? Well, thank goodness she finally got it right, now she, Dave, and I are all three as happy as can be!

I will continue this story and tell how our "Thanksgiving" was in my next installment. Now that Charlene FINALLY understands that it is ok, she has turned into a real sexual tigress and Dave is a lot more comfortable even with me in the house.


cuckold wife


Poster: Art