The letter from Dave the Cuck "Cuckoldress intensity" was interesting, as it is a reality that when a cuckoldress loses her inhibitions, she will be a COMPLETE slut for her lover! My case is an example! Sally, a lovely blonde, met up by chance with a former boss of hers, a young high flyer, & whose youthful blond looks & "winner attitude" she found very attractive. Sadly for her, though maybe not ..
I just want to relate the second of our first two experiences into the cuckolding lifestyle. I won't relate the ENTIRE experience but a couple of highlights
The second man I invited to stuff his cock into my wife's pussy, has probably never been accused of being a handsome guy but he had some "outstanding" qualities that more than made up for his lack of good looks! In his original ..
A few months ago a new couple moved in next door to us, right off the bat I was put off by the fact the man , Brian, drove a over sized pick up truck that was all jacked up in the air and loud as hell. His wife Terri had a late model mustang which she drove as if it was a rocket ship. Loud music and equally loud cars became the norm that summer, they threw equally loud partie with people laughing,..
I thought I would share my story about my early cuckold experiences. My name is Miguel and I am from Spain.
Me and my girlfriend Catalina, at the time she was 19 and I was 20, had been arguing about a lot of things lately. Mostly about my infidelity with a friend of hers. I promised my girlfriend I would never cheat again, and that I never did again, but at the time I didnt know it...
We went out to a swing party and wife and i went back to another couples house where i got to watch herget her sweet little pussy fiied by a huge cock his wife and i got to watch him have his way with my with for over a hour before he filled her full of cum
JUST sucked off my wife's lover for the 1st time! T'was my birthday, & him letting me suck him off in front of my missus was my birthday present from him!
He also gave me a mouthful of his thick hot ejaculate as a bonus b'day present. LOVED it, just LOVED worshipping that 9 inch monster! Missus watched & encouraged me. I was knelt before him on the hard concrete floor, naked!
Half ho..
Hi, Deckron, I REALLY hope that your wife is impregnated by one of her lovers1 It would be lovely for you, would it not, for her impregnator to visit her (with you in presence), & when her belly was nice & swollen with his baby, him gently rubbing her belly & slowly french kissing her in front of you---with you tied up & being FORCED to watch them--- & this will happen again & again & again--- her..
My wife loves to have sex with her boy freinds bare back and tnen comes home to me and makes me use a rubber. she is chatting with a new guy on line and is planning to meet with him while I have to work Fri. night. She wanted me to eat her pussy all week long but refuses to let me fuck her she says she is saving it for the new guy.
she plans on spending the night with him and have me com..
We moved into a house and there was a jock-type high school kid next door.
All summer I caught my wife looking over into their yard, as they had a pool and he was always out there in his speedo.
The shop I work in is all guys, so one day they had a stripper come in cause this other guy was getting married that weekend. I was so horned up.
They let us le..
Soon after I first met my wife she told me that a younger guy, about 17 yrs younger, had been hitting on her and she thought he was cute and she was flattered by his advances. I told her if she liked the idea it was fine with me and she should go for it. To make a long story short, she did. So, the whole time we were dating, about a year and a half, she was fucking him on the side, she would tell ..
If a man you really hate ends up fucking your wife, you will be more excited and humiated than ever. At least thats what happened in my case. When I was a kid, a bully named Reed use to beat me up and all the other kids too. After I married my first wife, Carol, I found out she had the "hots" for him. He had dark wavy hair and was kind of a smart ass, I thought but I wanted her fucked by someone e..
My dirty little slut wife has been fucking lots of guys over the last few months. We only started trying this thing this year and she has fucked so many guys, many have shot them cum in her pussy. A lot of the time she will let me fuck her afterwards when she is still full of there cum.
Well now she has decided she loves fucking other cocks so much she wants to try being a prostitut..
My wife and I've been married for 18 yrs. She is 52 and I'm 48. Lucy is cute and curvy being on the plump side. She has large breasts and awesome in bed. I had slept with many different women before we were married but she is by far the best woman I’ve ever had sex with. She gives me so much pleasure it’s incredible.
She was a virgin when we were married and her strict cath..
My wife Karen and I have established a very satisfactory situation. She is a very pretty woman, and around 10 years younger than me. After exploring the swinging scene a bit (NOT very much fun), we agreed that it would be more fun for both of us if she took a lover - she understood the pleasure I gained from imagining her with other men. Eventually she found a very attractive guy, Keith, through h..
My wife, Laura, wasn't really interested by sex, we just drifted along, the usual, house and 2 kids at school. The last few months has seen a remarkable change in her. She wants sex all the time, her clothes and underwear has changed, which made me think I'm not the only guy....but get this...she always wants to do it doggie style and have me spank her ass as we go. Sometimes this is fun, but some..
I had a poor upbringing. My mum had me at 15, unmarried of course, & the guy who I presumed was my dad was MUCH older than my mother. He was a drunk, & every afternoon he would be out in a deep drunken slumber. I should know, as that was the time I returned from school. Naturally they would fight for all sorts of reasons, also about how I was being raised, & my mother often yelled at him, "Why sho..
How come no letters from black cuckolds, married to unfaithful wives, be they black or white--- & where the the lover, the bull, the stud-friend is WHITE! O J Simpson was a black cuckold, & from what one hears, his lovely white wife had a WHOLE stream of virile young white studs to service her whilst OJ was doing "other things"! So if OJ's wife can cuckold him, why can't OTHER black husbands "stan..
Any other cucks out there whose wife makes them let their bulls mouth fuck them so she can watch? I'd like to chat if your being used too. Thanks
Part 1
Ethan ran upstairs to his bedroom to get dressed. He put on a pair of boxer shorts. His thing was not as hard as before, but it hung out the left leg of his shorts. He put on his jeans and looked at himself in the mirror. His thing clearly stood out against his left leg. He sighed and took the jeans off.
Somewhere in his dresser was a pair of jockey shorts he n..
O (my wife’s name is Olivia but I call her O) started to leave the fitness club when she remembered leaving her cell phone back at the locker room. It was late about midnight and she hoped there would still be someone around to let her back in. As she tapped on the door the ladies attendant opened up and asked “what did you forget?”
“I forgot my cell phone in the locker room, is it ..