I Watched as my Wife got Fucked

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She was very satisfied
By: MT

I can't begin to tell you the emotions I felt as I watched Kim strip off her clothes right in front of Jim and then stood right there in front of him bare ass naked and his eyes drinking in my wife's nude body. I'm thinking this is mine and I have talked her into using that beautiful body on another man.

Damn she looked good standing there as Jim removed his shirt and then unbuckled his belt and stepped out of his pants. Then he removed his shorts and I saw Kim's mouth drop as she got her first look at his large rock hard cock pointing straight out right at her. Kim's expression was fantastic, Her smile was huge as she looked at it and then up to Jim's face as she expressed satisfaction at what she was looking at.

I'm looking at her body, the ass, legs and tits and thinking that's my piece of ass and in a few moments Jim's going to have that for himself.

My cock was so hard it hurt and I leaked pre cum as I watched Jim walk up to Kim and look down at her his hand cupped Kim's Tit as he bent down to kiss her and I saw her little hand wrap around his cock as they went into a hard kiss. Kim's other hand was up on his shoulder. Jim's free hand ran down over Kim's ass as he held her tit tight in the other hand. I saw Kim pumping his cock slowly.

Dam they were a miss match because he was so tall. They kept kissing and Kim's hand reached for his balls and they filled her little hand and the hand that was on Jim's shoulder went to her pussy. They broke off their Kiss and Kim looked down at his cock that was pressed against her belly. I watched Jim's hand working Kim's ass cheeks as his other hand completely held all of Kim's Tit. His cock was leaving a trail of pre cum on Kim's belly. Dam my wife's body looked good pressed against another man. Her perfect short legs and Jim feeling her ass looked so good.

Jim turned her and Laid her back on the bed and he stood there looking down at what he was about to fuck. Kim's legs opened automatically and my god was she wet. Her cunt glistened. Jim looked right at Kim's wet cunt and said "My gosh Kim your ready to fuck" Jim dropped to his knees and pulled Kim toward him and buried his face right into Kim's cunt. Kim jumped and said "OH FUCK" Kim moaned and was grinding her pussy against his mouth.

My god I was watching another man with his face buried in her cunt getting her love juices and Kim pulling on his hair to pull him tighter as Jim pumped his cock with one hand as the other roamed over Kim's leg. Jim kept working Kim's clit which made her moan. After several minutes. Jim looked up and said no Kim don't cum. I want you to cum fucking as he raised up and kim slid back up on the bed higher and laid there spread wide waiting on Jims cock. Her cunt was bright pink because of Jim eating her. Jim poised over Kim with his huge cock close to Kim's cunt. My gosh it looked huge. I had both hands on my cock Dam was I hard.

Jim lowered down kissing Kim as the head of his cock parted Kim's pussy lips and slowly disappeared into her. I heard Kim moan out loudly as he buried it all in her and their pubic hairs were entangled together telling me Kim had all that cock in her. Her head was thrown back as Jim forced it all in tight and a grimacing look on Kim's face for just a few seconds and then a smile as Jim started a fucking motion. I shot a huge load on the floor as I watched my wife being fucked.

Now Kim was fucking him back and her arms were up over his neck. Jim's hands roamed from her Tits, Ass and legs he was feeling it all. In only a couple of minutes I saw that look of pain on Jim's face and I knew he was cuming in Kim. She must have felt him cuming because Kim Yelled "OF FUCK UUUhhhhh SSSHHiitttttt UHHhhhhhh Ohhhhhhh Uh Fuck" as she humped wildly under him as her orgasm consumed her body giving Jim herself completely.

I came again pumping my cock franticly watching my wife cum. They both laid motionless except trying to catch their breath still locked together Cock and Pussy kissing. I heard Jim say to Kim "OH WHAT A FUCK KIM" Kim nodded her head smiling big time. Jim slowly pulled his cock from Kim still dripping and drooping and shrinking.

Kim laid there spread wide leaking cum onto the bed. Her belly still heaving getting her breath. Damn she looked good Fucked and satisfied with her arms straight out. Jim stood up his cock drooped way over as he looked at what he just fucked as she laid there spread wide open with her pussy lips still quivering as Kim was coming down from her orgasm.

She looked so good laying there with her legs spread and her cunt leaking. Jim had to avoid my cum on the floor as he walked to the bathroom. When Jim came out of the bathroom we stood in the hall talking as he thanked me for letting him have Kim. We both looked toward the bedroom where Kim was still in the same possion.

Jim said she is a great fuck. Two guys standing in the hall totally nude and both cocks drooped over from the same women but different circumstances. Kim fell asleep that way. So we let her sleep.

I just have to say how rewarding it was to watch ever bit of her body as she fucked.



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