Wife Lied when telling me where she Was

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My Wife just did It
By: Doughy

My wife and I have been married a little over 4 years. We've been through a lot together, and love each other very much.

She is very traditional and does not have many kinks. Every time I have tried anything even a little kinky, I get shut down.

Due to kids, work, just being busy, we haven't had sex in a few weeks. Her best friend recently moved into town and she's been going to her apartment a lot recently to help her get set up and have some girl time. Cool, sure.

One night she left pretty early to go to her friend's. I asked if she was having dinner, and she said they'd either order or make something together there. I told her to have a good time and say hi for me. I texted her and asked if she could pick me up some beer on her way back home. I then cooked dinner, cleaned up, and got the kids in bed.

I checked my phone after this and saw a text from an unknown number. When I opened it, it was a picture of my wife with her hair and makeup done beautifully, wearing one of my favorite dresses on her. "This your girl?" the text said. "Yeah... who is this?" I replied curiously and nervously. I immediately texted my wife "Hey honey, everything OK?" I get a reply from the unknown number

"I'm guessing you're 'Hubby' in her phone. Idk how else to tell you this but we with our ad and are out on a date. Her profile didn't say she was married, but she's wearing her ring. I saw you texted her. She's in the bathroom. I wouldn't expect to hear from her much, though."

"Why is that?" I asked cautiously.

About 5 minutes pass and I get another text:

"Because I'm giving her the night of her life tonight." My heart jumped and fell into my stomach. I immediately called her, and it went to voicemail. A few minutes later I get a call from her.

"Hey honey, you called?"

"Hey love. Yeah, are you and Audrey out anywhere tonight?"

"No...? We're at her place unpacking some more of her stuff. We're probably gonna have some wine and watch a girly movie later though, so I might be out of pocket, and it might be a little later when I get home."


"...is that okay?"

"Yeah. Of course its okay. I just want to have some time later with you this week. But y'all have fun. I love you."

"Love you too."

Very shortly I get a text from the unknown number who is now becoming quite the nuisance.

"She lied to you didn't she lol. Told you she was with her friend or something?"

I was so stunned I didn't know what to say. She had just lied to me, right? It all lines up that what he's saying is true, doesn't it? As much as I don't want to believe it, I can't see any other option after frantically searching for reasons to believe her.

"Yeah." I simply replied.

"Well don't take it too hard, bud. It's nothing personal. Sometimes women just need to cut loose a little, ya know? Anyways, we're headed back to my place. Later 'Hubby'"

I was feeling so many emotions at this point that I didn't even know how to make sense of it all. I was so angry and jealous I couldn't even think straight. I opened a beer and turned on a movie, but didn't really watch it.

When my phone buzzed 30 minutes later, I grabbed it so quick. It was a picture of my wife wearing nothing but her heels and a thong that I've never seen before.

"So I guess you could say things are going well. Just wanted to keep you updated."

This indescribable wave of jealously came over me. Who the fuck is this guy with my wife? But at the same time I noticed I was getting hard.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing with my wife?"

"I TOLD YOU we were going to my place. Who do you believe now? Me or her? Smh going to her friend's house. Real cute stuff. I may be many things, but I'm not a liar. I gtg now though. Don't want to keep her waiting iykwim. I'll send updates when I can."

I was rock hard reading it, but I couldn't believe it. That is, until I got a picture of my wife naked and bent over.

"She may be your wife but she's about to become my bitch."

At this point I was so jealous and aroused that I kept my phone unlocked, staring at it, waiting for any updates. Shortly I received a pic with no message; only the fattest cock I've ever seen filling my wife's pussy from behind. She had her hand covering her face, but I could tell by the ring and her hair, it was her.

I took my phone into the bathroom and blew the biggest, quickest load in my life while looking at that pic. It was silence for a couple hours until I got another text from my wife's new lover. It was a picture of my wife lying face down. Her ass seemed to be glowing red from all the hand prints. Her pussy was gaping and leaking the thickest load of cum I had ever seen. The photo had the message:

"I guess I can call you cuck now. Save my number. I'm sure we'll talk again soon."

Instantly I was hard and ran to the bathroom, blowing another load in seconds.

My wife got home about 4 am and crawled into bed wearing panties and one of my t shirts. I groggily asked if she had fun with Audrey.

"Yes, more fun than I've had in a while" she whispered, snuggling up to me as the little spoon while taking my arm and placing it around her waist.

I didn't say anything the next day. I didn't want her to know that I knew. The last night had done a bit to me psychologically. I was so confused as to my emotions and reactions to what happened. But when I found the cum stained panties in the laundry hamper, I was hooked.

Since then, my wife stays at work late or goes to her best friend's place several times a week. We haven't had sex in 6 weeks. Every time I try to initiate things with her, she tells me she is really tired from working so much, and would rather snuggle and watch a movie.

So we do. We still have sex on occasion, like our anniversary or my birthday. If I am insistent on sex, she will usually give me a hand job to calm me down. But little to no sex has become our norm, and I know why. She still doesn't know that I know.

My wife is a cheating slut, and I love it.



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